The Good Luck Charm Novel

The Good Luck Charm NovelMonroe “So? I’m freaking out! Can you tell me already!” I nearly shout as Miles walks through the door to the small conference room we have booked for his tutoring sessions. He closes it behind him and his eyes are downcast and his expression is solemn. My heart plummets to my feet and it breaks for him. “I’m so sorry, Miles. I don’t understand. What happened? You were so confident and I practice tested you like three times…” I trail off and he shakes his head as he pulls a packet out of his backpack. “I mean… I don’t know. I guess I just feel bad because Armstrong won’t get any playing time for the rest of the season.” His face erupts into a heart stopping grin and he shows me his algebra exam with a big fat ‘97’ at the top in red marker. It’s his third A on an exam, in a row. “You jerk! I nearly had a heart attack thinking you failed this test!” I exhale in relief and punch him in the arm. 

He laughs and before I can say anything else he wraps his arms around me pulls me in for a tight bear hug and plants a buss on my cheek. My heart races at the feel of his arms around me and I’m so dizzy I nearly pass out. However, he releases me before that can happen. I can feel my face heat up and it doesn’t help that I still feel his lips on my skin. He’s grinning so wide his happiness is infectious and I return his smile. My stomach flutters at how gorgeous he is. He has dark hair like mine and bright blue eyes that make me feel warm all over when they meet my own. For a nineteen year old, he looks more like a man than a boy. 

He stands tall at six-foot-five and he’s all muscle. He’s the typical build for a tight end and while I love football like it’s its own religion, I have never been so insanely attracted to a player. Until now. I’ve been tutoring him for a little over a month now and he’s been able to completely turn his math grade around. He’s received As on every exam since I began working with him and the scores only get higher every time. He’s done so well that he was able to raise his overall grade from a fifty seven percent in the class to an eighty one percent, and with the conference championships around the corner, this news couldn’t have come at a better time. “Let me buy you dinner,” he says and I don’t think I hear him correctly at first. 

“Um. Dinner?” He nods and then shrugs. “It’s the least I can do. You may have just single handedly saved my football career.” I roll my eyes and giggle. “Did you hurt your arm with that reach?” “It’s not a reach. I would’ve lost my scholarship if I didn’t get my grade up,” he explains. “Oh, well in that case, I better get a shout out when you get drafted.” He grins from ear to ear and Jesus Christ I have to look away. At sixteen, my hormones are all over the place. That night after meeting Miles Aaron, I had a very ‘not-suitable-for-work’ dream about him and my high was so powerful, it woke me up immediately and I nearly fell off the side of my bed in surprise. My roommate Lila saw the entire thing and I hid from her for five days straight after she told me that I’d been moaning so loud in my sleep, I woke her up. Since then, it’s become a nightly thing and it is pure torture. 

Right at this moment, however, my panties are soaking wet and there’s literally nothing I can do about it. I just have to endure the torturous ache between my legs. “So, dinner? Tonight?” he asks me, interrupting my thoughts. “Sure,” I manage to squeak out. “Alright, I’ll pick you up in…two hours,” he says, flashing me another panty dropping smile before leaving the conference room. I’m left there panting and blushing. And hot as all … This is a disaster. “I can’t believe you’re going on a date with Miles Aaron! Like hot, tall, football player, Miles Aaron!” Lila stares at me, open-mouthed and wide-eyed. “Would you stop calling it a date? It’s a pity, thank-you dinner for his lame tutor,” I mutter, raking a brush through my hair. 

“You are so dense! Guys like that don’t just ask girls to dinner for no reason. Especially when they can get any girl they want in the whole school!” She shrieks. I roll my eyes. The last thing I need is to believe this is any kind of date and humiliate myself. “It isn’t for no reason though. I told you, I helped him raise his grade in math and he feels obligated to show some form of appreciation.” She huffs and walks over to me. Before I can run the brush through my hair, she pulls it out of my hand. “You’re going to sit here and tell me you’re not the least bit excited to be going to dinner with him?” She raises her eyebrow at me. 

“Of course, I am. I’m not dead inside.” She breaks out into a wide grin. “Then pity dinner or not, you’re going to look hot for it. Just in case you’re wrong.” I swallow hard and panic starts to set in.  I never should have said anything. …. Miles “Come on,I say,taking her hand before I say anything else that could get me into trouble. I lead Monroe out of the dorm hall,ignoring all of the curious glances thrown our way and outside in the parking lot,I release her hand to open her door. Once I’m buckled into my own seat,I pull out of the Rice dorm parking lot.Now that I have a clearer head I need to redeem myself with her.I always talk to and joke with her during our tutoring sessions.It’s not in my nature to be so quiet and she probably thinks there’s something wrong with me right now.I want to tell her she looks hot. “Why are you dressed so nice?”She frowns again and I internally kick myself.What ?What is it about this girl that’s making me so  stupid? “I mean,you just look really nice is all…”I trail off,staring at her lips.They’re glossy and plump.I’ll bet she’s never gone down on man before. 

I hear an angry honking sound and realize the light has turned green.A guy in a Ford F150 calls me a jerk and flips me the finger as he passes me. Monroe giggles. “Are you okay?You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind.If you’re not up to this,we can reschedule,Miles.” I cringe.I really am  this up right now. “No,I’m fine.I promise.” “Are you sure?Because you just ran a stop sign. “Oh,”I mutter under my breath.I’ll be lucky if I get us to the restaurant without killing someone in the process. I drive silently, focusing on the road the entire way. When I pull into the parking lot of Danny’s,a bar and grill,and park,I get out of the car so I can open Monroe’s door.As she steps out,the hem of her skirt rises a little and the slit in her skirt goes so far up,it makes my mouth go dry.I can’t stare for long though,because she stands. Her body is so close to mine,I just want to back her against the car and devour her. After what seems like forever of us just standing there,I realize Monroe looks uncomfortable and I’m making this awkward.I take her hand and lead her inside of the restaurant. 

Just when I think that this date can’t get any more awkward,our waitress approaches us and I recognize her immediately because I’m almost certain I’ve slept with her before.As recognition sets in for her as well,she shoots me an angry glance but quickly composes herself,putting on a professional face. Just great. “I’m Riley,your server for tonight.What can I get for you guys to drink?”She asks,her face a beet red. “I’ll have an iced tea,”Monroe says,looking through her menu.I don’t know what the worst part of this interaction is.The fact that I didn’t even remember that her name was Riley or the fact that I can feel her glaring at me. “I’ll have-” “That’s all?Okay.She turns on her heels and walks away and Monroe’s mouth drops in surprise. “What is her problem?”She asks me,looking confused. I really do not want to tell Monroe that I had intercourse with that girl a little over three weeks ago.But I know if I don’t say something,this could get awkward pretty fast.I’m still freaking out in my head when I feel Monroe touch my hand and my breath hitches.

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