Savage Heart Novel

Savage Heart Novel – She knew that grunt. Erik.Her Erik. He was finishing. Inside another woman. She also recognized those voices. Bonnie. The bimbo. “What’re you gonna do about that fat bimbo?” Bonnie’s voice carried. “I’m only with her because she’s easy. No emotions. Tight vulva. And she lets me do whatever  I want.” She shuddered, her blood turning to ice, yet her skin feeling aflame. Liz’s hand froze right over her lower belly, where her baby was growing. Erik’s baby. No, only her baby now.

Taking out her phone, she checked the time, then checked her texts. An hour ago, Erik had texted her about stopping by the bar. No reason given, though. Not that she needed one, right? She’d spent many a night in the bar with him, chilling with him and Stellan—Odin—the president, and a few guys looking to join up with the club. They were all nice guys, if a little rough around the edges. “Tosser,” she muttered, attempting to move around one of the club members. “He’s in the office, doll,” Tosser offered, smirking. “Bonnie is…helping him with…some club business.” Snorting a laugh, the grimy jerk tossed back an amber liquid from a tumbler and trundled away, . Liz passed the doorway to the women’s then men’s bathrooms, the storage room, then finally stopped in front of the door with the peeling letters to the word OFFICE on an opaque window set into a steel door.

Taking a deep breath, knowing that what she and Erik were about to discuss was going to be difficult, she placed her hand on the knob to turn it. What she heard made her hand and her heart stop. “Jesus yeah, bimbo, take that shaft!” Her heart started beating again, this time at ramming speed. “Jesus, Trouble! Bloody! Your shaft is so big!” Again, her heart stopped. She recognized those voices. Bonnie. The Bimbo. And Erik. Her Erik. And she knew what they were doing. But that couldn’t be right. Erik wasn’t like that. He wouldn’t cheat on her. He loved her! Grunts and the sounds of flesh slapping on flesh filled the hallway outside the office door. There was no hiding what they were doing in there, even if the hallway wasn’t lit up like a football stadium.

“Gosh, Trouble, baby, I’ve missed this,” Bonnie purred, the sound of her voice sucking the marrow from Liz’s bones. She couldn’t be saying what Liz thought she was saying. From what Liz knew, Bonnie hadn’t even come into the club until after Erik and Liz had gotten together. If she could “miss” Erik…that meant she’d had something of him to miss. No. That can’t be right. I’m hearing things wrong. Yeah, like you aren’t hearing the sounds of them humping, her own voice snarled back at her. Can’t mistake that, cupcake. “It’s not like you weren’t on my shaft last night, Bonnie.” More grunting, more slapping…then one last loud grunt. She knew that grunt. He was finishing. Inside another woman. She didn’t understand.

He’d known she was coming to the bar. He’d texted her to be there. And she was there. Listening. Hearing. Knowing. She sucked in a breath, her chest burning, her thoughts spinning—just like the contents of her stomach. He’d known she was coming. He’d known she would find him humping another woman. Liz thought back to the look Hound had given her at the door on her way in. Then the looks from the men and the sluts in the booth. The pity. Then she remembered Tosser…and how gleeful he was, telling her exactly where Trouble and Bonnie were. All of them had known what was happening. And they hadn’t given a care. Her whole body shaking, Liz took a step back, dropping her hand from the knob like it had turned into a snake. On the other side of the door, there was a long silence. She could she shadows moving behind the frosted glass.

She knew she would leave, that she should get out of there and never come back…. Her hand slipped to her still flat belly. Well…as flat as it could be when she was forty pounds overweight. No matter what the jerk had done…or had been doing…he was still going to be a father. She still had the responsibility of telling him. After that, he could do whatever he wanted with his life. She wanted nothing from him. Ever. “What’re you gonna do about that fat bimbo?” Bonnie’s voice carried, almost as if she meant for everyone in ing bar to hear. “She’s been all over you like white on rice.” Each word slashed at her already shredded, bleeding insides. “I’m only with her because she’s easy. No emotions.

Tight vulva. And she lets me do whatever  I want.” She shuddered, her blood turning to ice, yet her skin feeling aflame. Humiliation licked at her, burning through her. How could she have been so stupid? “Come on, Trouble, I’ll take care of that protection for you. Don’t wanna leave a mess in the prez’s office.” If Liz wasn’t having an out of body experience, she’d laugh. She’d seen the bar; Odin didn’t give a care about messes. “Screw that, Bonnie. I don’t trust whores.” There was a snort, then, “And you trust that fat bimbo not to trap you with a fat baby? I’ve seen her. She knows she’s in over her head. She knows she can’t keep you. I know the type. She’ll trap you with a baby and you’ll have to claim her as your ol’ lady. You’ll be stuck humping the ugly bimbo for the rest of your life.” Liz’s hand froze right over her lower belly, where her baby was growing. Erik’s baby. No, now only her baby.

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